What do you want in life? You want happiness. You want to connect with everybody around you and you want your wishes to be fulfilled. Not everything happens according to your wish and something definitely happens according to your wish. Real luck is when you wish for something, and it happens immediately in a very short time.

The universe is a manifestation of our consciousness; we create our reality with our thoughts. 

Whatever you put attention on will start manifesting in your life. Intention, attention, and manifestation; that is how the universe works.

The ABC of Manifestation

A – Ask in the Right Way

Whenever you take a Sankalpa, you should always pray that – ‘I want this or anything better than this’. 

Your wishes should always have an exit clause that says anything better. And sometimes I feel like the thing that is better for us is not necessarily what we see as better in that moment. This realization comes from our own experience when we look back and see that sometimes we worry unnecessarily which is not worth a penny so much time and putting so much strain on our own nervous system. 

Nature is far more intelligent and would like to give you the best. When your vision is narrow and limited (to one’s own personal motives only), then you think this is the best for me. But the Universe knows better. If you deserve something better than that, it will surely give you that.

B – Believe

If you think your Sankalpa (intention) is impossible, then finish it and drop it. But if there is a hope that your Sankalpa can be fulfilled then you have to pay more attention to that. You have to dream the impossible and work towards it. It cannot be easy. But if you think it is impossible, and you don’t have that enthusiasm, then you better do what you think is possible.

You may face many failures but never mind them. Take every failure as a stepping stone. But don’t leave your dream. Hold on to it. The bigger the dream, the more obstacles might arise in your path. But we should be prepared for it; we should be prepared for failures and imperfections.

C – Have Clarity

If you say, “I want a lot of wealth”, what does that mean? Our consciousness is like a computer, so you have to define ‘a lot’. Mention specifically, ‘I want this’, then have to keep your attention on it and see, it will manifest.

Seeds of Gratitude

If you are grateful, more positive things will flow to you. If you are grumbling, the grumbling and negativity will increase. This is all in accordance with the law of nature. Whatever seed(s) you sow, such fruit you will personally bear. If you sow the seed of lack, only lack will grow. Conversely, if you sow the seed of plenty and the seed of gratitude in your life, these elements will blossom in your world. It is an attitude of “plentitude” in the mind. When you feel that you have plenty in your consciousness, the ‘plenty-ness’ grows.

What About Visualisation?

Visualisation and again and again putting the affirmation may not be as helpful as it was two decades back. In America, there was a trend to tell yourself, “I love myself, I love myself…”, so that your self-love will grow. Now if you are in Delhi, do you keep reminding yourself that, “I am in Delhi. I am in Delhi”. No! Right? Once you know that’s it. If you keep repeating to yourself “I am in Delhi”, every day, that means you are in doubt that you are not in Delhi. It somewhere on the other side increases the doubt in you.

Manifestation in Two Steps

Step 1 – Intention

What is it that you want in your life? Make sure of it in your mind and put a gentle intention on it. This is called Sankalpa. Now, You have an intention, and you first offer it to the universe, to the Higher Spirit, or to someone very dear to you – it could be your parents, your ancestors, personal angels, Gods or Goddesses, or to the Guru. To anyone, you offer what your real intention is, saying, ‘This is my wish’, and have patience. Know that it will be done. If it’s good for you, it’s going to be done and it will be done. So, if it’s good, it’s going to happen.

Take nature’s example, how the cotton trees throw its seeds into space, like, you need to throw your desire into space for it to fructify. In ancient Vedic traditions, they take a few grains of rice because you are made up of grains. Your whole body is made up of food. So, they take a few grains and a little water and then you have a desire, and you drop it. You make a wish in all the holy places, like in Jerusalem and such holy places, people take a coin, or even in tourist places, they make a wish and throw it in the water. The ancient people all over the world must be wise. They had all these techniques. But people don’t understand that. They throw the coin but not the wish. The coin is also lost, and the wish is also lost!

Also, there is a difference between intention and desire. Desire is clinging on to something. Suppose, you have to go to Delhi from here, if you keep saying, ‘I have to go to Delhi, I have to go, I have to go.’ When you drive with such feverishness you will not reach Delhi, you will reach somewhere else. But if you just have an intention, I am going to Delhi and that is it; you drive, you stop here and there, you drive again, and you reach. This is the intention. Desire is constantly on thought, and that only brings disappointment.

Step 2- Attention

If you put attention on anger, anger will manifest. If you put attention on lust, lust will manifest. Focus on love, and love manifests. Focus on imperfection, imperfection manifests. Observe the intention, and put your attention on whatever you want to grow in life. Intention, attention and manifestation — that is how the universe manifests.

Two things we must bear in mind. You can’t just say okay, the universe will manifest for me. It will come and put me on my lap what I need. You also have to make an effort towards that. There is a balance between your intention and your action. And your faith and your dynamism. Some is very lazy and they keep dreaming of becoming a millionaire and it will simply remain a dream. You can dream and you have faith in it and work towards it when you want.

Wherever you put your attention, that will start manifesting in your life.

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.


An intention arises and when you pay a little more attention to that, it does manifest. Otherwise, many intentions come and you don’t act on it, right?! But when an intention is given a little bit of attention, which means you work on those intentions then manifestation does happen.

How Do we Tap Into This Inherent Power of the Mind?

Follow the Intention – Attention – Manifestation formula. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar explains briefly, “Have an intention, offer it to the universe, and then have patience.” Here are some yogic secrets that can help you carry out the ‘Intention – Attention – Manifestation’ formula. 

Secrets of Manifestation

1. The Art of Letting Go

Life teaches you the art of letting go of every event. When you have learned to let go, you will be joyful & more will be given to you.

Instance 1 : Take a deep breath in and hold. Hold your fist tight and just hold. Got it? When you no longer can hold, what you do is let go.”

Instance 2 : If you are stuck in one step, you have to lift your foot from there. Only then can you put it on the next step. Right, so to jump from one to another, you need to let go.

Instance 3 : You are stuck in a traffic jam and your car is behind 50 other cars. There is no way you can go back or go forward and you are running out of time. You are upset. What do you do? You simply have to let go!

Instance 4 : You want to ask a question; you don’t listen to the answers. Because that wanting to do something is stopping you from hearing. Have you noticed this? The person has a question in his mind but somebody else has asked some other question and an answer is being given but you are not taking it. You are sitting with your question. That’s why if you have to be Yogi, you have to drop all your Sankalpa. You don’t hold on to a nightmare, nor do you hold on to a beautiful dream. You realize it’s a dream and you move on. In the same way in life, events and incidents happen. They will happen and they are gone. What’s the point in holding on to them?

When we start letting go we can catch something even bigger than that, higher than that, bigger achievement. When you are holding on to something, you are not able to get into a new dimension.

2 Meditate & Pray

Everything manifests when you meditate!

You have to simply let go. That letting go is meditation. Meditation and other practices like Sudarshan KriyaTM, Yoga and Pranayama help make your wish manifest sooner rather than later.

By your efforts, whatever you can achieve, you should put that effort. But beyond effort, if something is there beyond your control, you can also achieve it by prayer. Prayer is just a wish. Have that wish and meditate. After and before meditation, recollect just that little intention, “I want this to happen”, and it happens.

By your efforts, whatever you can achieve, you should put that effort. But beyond effort, if something is there beyond your control, you can also achieve it by prayer. Prayer is just a wish. Have that wish and meditate. After and before meditation, recollect just that little intention, “I want this to happen”, and it happens.


What is it that you want in your life? Make sure of it in your mind and put a gentle intention on it. Do not crave or hold on to it. You have an intention and then just drop it and relax. It will manifest. When you don’t crave it, it is yours. But if you are after it, it runs away. Whenever you wish for something, and if there is clarity, sincerity and purity in it, and if the wish is not for your pleasure but for the good of everybody, then it automatically starts happening. What logically you may think is impossible becomes possible. This is Sankalpa Shakti (the power of intention).

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