Living with back pain is not easy. You can neither sit comfortably nor stand or walk. Suddenly you find yourself making excuses for skipping social events and grumbling about that extra task that may come last minute. Life with back pain is a headache. Yet so many of us ignore it. 

Back pain is your body’s way of telling you that something needs to be fixed. If you tend to your back pain right now, you can prevent it from turning into something serious or reduce the impact of an existing ailment that you are unaware of. Let us know what condition could be behind your back pain.

6 hidden reasons for your back pain

Chronic constipation

The buildup of stool in your intestines could be causing back pain. If you find it hard to push out your stools, or your stools are hard lumps, then most likely you are constipated. Chronic constipation can cause piles, anal fissures, and a decline in mental health. Follow home remedies and professional advice to relieve constipation if this seems to be the cause of your back pain.

Kidney stone

Usually, sharp and severe back pain below the ribs indicates the formation of a kidney stone. Pain in passing urine, a block in the flow of urine, or a UTI can accompany a kidney stone. Lack of sufficient hydration is usually a cause of kidney stones. Consult your doctor to confirm a stone’s presence/ absence.


Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become weak and brittle. People with osteoporosis experience sudden and severe back pain, especially when they are standing. Women post-menopause are at high risk for developing the condition.


A kind of inflammatory arthritis, spondylitis affects the spine and large joints. One of its early symptoms is pain and stiffness in the lower back. A genetic disorder, it needs proper care and medical advice to manage it.

Erosion of vertebrae

The backbone is made up of 33 separate vertebrae, which are a number of small bones connected to each other. Back pain also happens when the bones in the vertebral column erode. It results in numbness in hands and feet and radiating pain that stems from the spine and stretches along an arm or leg. Bad posture, weak back muscles, and poor hydration are some of the causes of erosion of the vertebrae.

Weak back muscles

A sedentary lifestyle often weakens our back muscles which makes the back susceptible to injury and pain. Weak back muscles can be strengthened with yoga and regular breaks in between sitting.

Effects of prolonged back pain

Even when it is nothing serious, prolonged back pain that goes untreated can lead to something serious. It can affect your sleep, mental health, digestion, productivity, and overall quality of life. Some facts:

  • People with chronic back pain are three times more likely to have symptoms of depression. 
  • People with depression are 60% more likely to suffer from lower back pain.
  • Due to poor posture brought about by back pain, digestive organs are constricted and compressed. 
  • One in two people suffering from back pain also suffers from insomnia. 

A wise step would be to take proactive measures to relieve your back pain before it is too late. Consult a doctor as soon as possible to rule out the possibility of an underlying condition. Practice specific yoga postures for back pain and adopt healthy habits that make a difference in the long run.

Do weak back muscles make a back susceptible to injury?

Yes. When your back muscles are weak, your back becomes more vulnerable. Lifting weights, and bending down can cause injury to your back.

What is the difference between a back strain and a back sprain?

A back strain is an injury to the back muscles while a back sprain is the tearing or stretching of a ligament: the tissues connecting the bones.

What makes back muscles weak?

Poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle are the major causes of the weakening of back muscles.

Based on inputs by Pooja Venugopal, Faculty, Sri Sri Yoga
Written by: Vanditaa Kothari

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