Whenever you are in pain, know that you have gone away from knowledge.

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Yes, that’s true for most of us and isn’t limited to mental suffering. Physical suffering such as back pain also has been seen to advance in people who ignore it or do not know the right way to find relief. Back pain is one of the common concerns today, and unfortunately more than the elderly, young people are gripped by this vicious condition. Difficulty sitting for long hours, curved spine, muscle spasms, inability to lift heavy stuff, sciatica, etc., are some of the back pain-related problems. Chronic back pain results when the pain lingers for long(more than 3 months) or moves to other parts of the body. In this article, we will help you track chronic back pain symptoms and also suggest relief measures.

Chronic Back Pain Symptoms and What can Help?

1. A Bent Posture

When you notice you aren’t standing or sitting straight most of the time, it could be one of the chronic back pain symptoms. Sooner or later, you will start feeling the pain. Therefore, it’s important to maintain the right posture. You can start by setting an alarm at regular intervals to remind you of your body posture. Meditation also increases our awareness, which in turn helps us be mindful of every moment, about our thoughts, emotions, and posture.

“In meditation, healing can happen. When the mind is calm, alert, and totally content, then it is like a laser beam- it is very powerful and healing can happen.”

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

2. Tightness in the Low Back and Spasms

Movement of the pain from the lower back to thighs or tightness in the back or muscle spasms also imply chronic back pain. You must consult a medical professional who may guide you in physiotherapy. Certain yoga poses like the cobra pose, cat-cow pose, bridge pose, etc., lend flexibility to your back muscles while straightening your spine. For muscle spasms, heat treatment or relaxants have also been found effective depending on the condition.

3. Shifting Pain

Chronic back pain and work are closely associated when you have to sit for long hours in an uncomfortable chair. Pain that begins in the lower back and moves on to the thighs or upper back, alternatively, may also indicate a chronic back pain symptom. Not being in a single posture could help with the shifting pain. Additionally, using lightweight bags and maintaining proper body weight may bring some relief from chronic back pain.

4. Numbness around the Genitals and Buttocks

Many people seemingly live with the pain because they do not follow the symptoms. However, much of chronic pain therapy is in noting down and curing each symptom before the pain gets more serious. Chronic back pain sometimes shows numbness around the genitals, buttocks, or legs. Staying active and eating healthy could help a great deal in managing back pain. You must also know that stress is a major factor of chronic back pain and its relief would imply toning down stress and anxiety notably.

“Be stress-free; keep your body, mind, and spirit free from stress. It is not a one-time job, it is something that has to be done over and over again, like keeping your teeth clean, like dental hygiene.” 

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

5. Breathing Problems

Sometimes, severe spinal issues such as scoliosis could pull a spinal muscle resulting in shortness of breath or painful breathing. Therapy and constant observation are crucial here. Excessive physical exercise or lifting could injure the back and result in difficulty breathing. Always use the right tricks while lifting (such as putting the pressure of weights on your legs rather than on the back), work on your core body that helps your spine stay erect and avoid a laid-back lifestyle. Doing pranayama and other breathing exercises can also help you get relief from stress and respiratory issues, thereby reducing your back pain.

6. Weight Loss

If you are constantly losing weight, then it may be a result of chronic back pain. Arthritis which causes chronic back pain happens when your immune system attacks your joints causing inflammation which could also lead to weight loss. It’s important to watch what you eat, and take an adequate amount of vegetables, proteins and vitamins in your diet. Additionally, doing cardio, strength training and stretching could help you get relief from chronic back pain.


Back pain though common can be prevented by taking small steps every day and being consistent with the process. Medication, physiotherapy, yoga, back pain exercises, muscle relaxants, etc., can help in chronic back pain therapy as long as you don’t ignore the symptoms. It’s also time to rethink your lifestyle if you haven’t yet! 

Join our yoga program and find answers on how to get relief from long bouts of back pain, muscle spasms, and other joint problems.

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