Although back pain is common in youth these days (due to wrong posture or long stretches of sitting at work), one-sided back pain goes untraceable for a long time. While some feel a constant tingling pain, others agree that the pain subsides in a while before reappearing. Let’s know more about the side back pain in detail.

Side back pain causes

The causes of left or right-side back pain include:

  • Injury

Minor injuries are a concern mostly for old people due to low bone density or rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Extreme workout

Extreme exercise or sports lead to muscle wear and tear, causing stinging pain.

  • Tissue-caused

Stiff muscles/joints on one side due to minimal movement, a sedentary lifestyle, long hours of sitting, or wrong posture may cause tissue-related one-sided back pain. 

  • Internal Issues

Sometimes poor metabolism, kidney infection, or stones in the kidneys can lead to one-sided back pain. It is essential to keep an eye on other symptoms to know the real problem. Endometriosis and menstrual inconsistency may cause lower right-side back pain in females.

  • Pregnancy

Additional weight gain during pregnancy weakens the abdominal muscles and compromises spinal support. This and other hormonal changes may lead to one-sided back pain in females.

How to treat the pain?

The causes for one-sided back pain could be many. It is crucial to trace if the pain is consistent or shifting. For example, Sciatica pain that occurs due to nerve compression causes a burning lower back pain on one side but shifts towards the legs. 

There are many tests after a physical examination to determine the actual cause of the pain. X-rays, bone scans, ultrasound, MRI scans, and blood tests are a few. Of course, medical intervention gets you to the root cause of the pain but to ensure you recover well from side back pain, try these home remedies:

  • Listen to your body

Now and then, your body sends messages relating to resting, eating, stretching your body, etc. Don’t ignore these signs. Postures of yoga for back pain relief guarantee you improvement of your condition if you are consistent. However, stop the workout if you feel uncomfortable.

  • Bring positive lifestyle changes

Discipline in life is the way to treat any lifestyle problem. Take time to know what exercises are good for your back and follow a suitable diet religiously. Sometimes food causes organ issues that may trigger left upper-side back pain, and so keeping a clean diet is essential.

  • Galangal root

A herb known for its anti-inflammatory properties is the galangal root. Boil the root while making your tea, strain, and consume the concoction. Using them twice relieves you quickly from one-sided back pain.

  • Take care of your spine

Avoid anything that could weaken your spine, like overeating, smoking, lethargy, etc. A strong spine will keep your bones healthy and muscles flexible.

  • Hot or cold therapy

Depending on the nature of your side back pain, resort to hot or cold therapy. To reduce sore or stiff muscle pain, give a hot press and for inflammation, try an ice pack.

Mindfulness and meditation effectively make us aware of the present by listening to our inner voice. With regular meditation, you are in charge of your physical and mental space. It helps you initiate positive self-talk that brings positive change in your condition. Mindfulness takes our focus to do what’s best for our health. Comfortable shoes, the right posture, proper rest, etc., become your prime focus.

Medications like painkillers or anti-inflammatory medicines could work in suppressing the pain; however, the above ways can bring a positive outlook in you and make things better naturally.

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