After being born as human beings, do we have to achieve something? Does every person need to have a goal?

Life Needs a Goal

A life without a goal will not be a happy one. Without a goal, the mind and intellect don’t go in the right direction. So, a goal is needed in life. And the goal is that we should progress and others should benefit because of us. When you have a goal in life, when you are here to contribute towards something positive in the world, then you will not be bogged down by your needs and cravings. 

How to achieve our goals? 

5 Must-Haves to Achieve a Goal

Self-effort and perseverance are key to achieving any goal in life. Additionally, you will need energy, skill, and providence (luck). 

1. Effort:

To achieve anything, requires effort.  Keep your focus on your goal and keep working towards it.

2. Perseverance:

Never mind if it’s once, twice, thrice, or four times, we should continue putting in effort until we reach the goal. 

3. Energy:

You cannot achieve your goals if you don’t have energy. Keep your energy levels uplifted with Sudarshan Kriya, yoga, and meditation. Having a balanced diet and getting quality sleep for 6-8 hours also play a vital role. 

4. Skill:

Learn the skills to achieve your goal.

5. Luck:

Believe that you have luck. If something is beyond your control, then pray. 

Meditate Everyday

Meditation can help you amplify the above qualities towards your goal. Meditating daily enhances your skill, energy, and luck. Meditation makes you centered. Meditation and chanting also raise the positivity within you. When you meditate, you automatically achieve your goals.  Sahaj Samadhi Dhyan Yoga is one such meditation technique that can make you focused and help you achieve your goals.

Be Content and Have the Intention

When you come from the place of  ‘I want nothing, then everything comes to you’. In the state of contentment, even when one little intention comes, it just happens. But when the mind is craving, craving, and craving, and then when you put such a force into a desire, it doesn’t manifest. 

Always think that you already have the thing. Why should you think you already have it? Because that brings you back to your state of contentment. When you let go of all your wants, when you become free, then all the desires come to you, like the river flowing into an ocean. You are able to achieve all your goals.

And then, just have that little intention ‘I want this to happen’ and it will happen. 

The skills in getting things done are just intention and contentment.

Give Space for Imperfections

Leave some room for imperfections. That will increase your patience. If you hold onto perfection too much, you become irritable, and success becomes a far-fetched reality. Just as a clean house has a small space for garbage in the bin, keep some space in your mind to accept imperfection. 

Have an Open Mind

Drop all prejudices and keep your mind open. New ideas may come at any time to take you towards your goal. So be open to new ideas.

Expand your Comfort Zone

Anything creative, dynamic, and great can happen only when you stretch beyond your comfort zone where you are often stuck. You think you cannot do something: just make an effort and put one step ahead, and you will find that you are expanding your comfort zone. Creativity transcends your comfort zone. Get out of your comfort zone and bring comfort to others.

Work in a Team

Honor the team and honor the people who help you move towards your goal. When you respect and honor people, you will get that many times fold. Because if you have something big to achieve, you need the help of many people. And so you need to have that humility. 

Overcome Obstacles with Confidence

Know that there will be obstacles and know you will be able to overcome them. Invoke the valor inside you. Believe in your mind power. As you sow, so shall you reap. Put more positive seeds in your consciousness so that your mind starts attracting more positivity than negativity.

Know Life is Bigger than Success & Failure

Life is larger than success and failure. If you understand this, you will walk like a king. Never get perturbed by success or failures. Life goes on. It is like a TV serial. It is just one act of the show and the show goes on forever. You are the Self which is unblemished and eternal.

    Hold on. Here is something special for you!

    Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Festival 2024

    with Bhanumathi Narasimhan

    Meditate Effortlessly | Accelerate Happiness

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